Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Linking to an article which mentions that the Federal Goverment of the United States has a mention of we the homeless people:

"Our government’s commitment to provide for the basic social and economic needs of our people is clear, and it reflects the will of the American people.

The people ask us to care for the sick… and we do. In 2009, our nation spent nearly $900 billion on Medicare and Medicaid. And as you know, last year the administration passed and signed the Affordable Care Act to expand access to health care in America.

They ask us to provide shelter for the destitute… and we do. In the wake of the housing crisis, last year the federal government committed almost $4 billion to target homelessness."

Michael H. Posner
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Address to the American Society of International Law
Ritz Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC
March 24, 2011

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