Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So we've been hearing the stories on the street about this for a few months now.

LA FAMILY HOUSING boasts that it's the biggest and best shelter in Los Angeles County, and has case managers outreaching by appearing in known homeless locations to hand out their business cards and make their little pitch that they can help BUT THE SHELTER HAS BEEN TERMINATING (THROWING OUT) RESIDENTS THEY PROMISED TO HELP LEFT AND RIGHT. Some of these people are now in other shelters, in cars, in parks, and in abandoned buildings. We don't want to pick on LA Family Housing, just that it's kind of like the Titanic. Other ships sunk but they didn't boast that they wouldn't.

The shelter puts out a newsletter that boasts about their success stories and gives some numbers which must be real impressive to all those donors who are philanthropists.

But what we want to know is HOW MANY PEOPLE DOES THE SHELTER TAKE IN and terminate without housing? Maybe those success numbers aren't so impressive after all.

IF YOU ARE A CURRENT or PAST RESIDENT OF LA FAMILY HOUSING or ANY OTHER SHELTER and had been promised housing and been terminated without it, we want to hear your story.

You can use comments to leave your story or your contact info without being identified if you don't want to be. Just let us know that you do or don't want with the comment.


Anonymous said...

I want to say that there are many shelters but you might have to go to another part of LA County or out of the county to get into one or another I go to a clinic where there are lots of homeless and I heard about this shelter plenty. yor right Bruce

Anonymous said...

I lived at LAFH and a staff had sex with me in his office on shelter grounds. He also took me to his home for sex. It was a major abuse of power. said...

OK. We have heard something like this before. We've heard that a long time Case Manager at the Valley Shelter - LAFH was fired after it was proven that he had taken a woman resident to a motel for sex. Such behavior is a major abuse of power. We have some suggestions for you. You may want to discuss this with a good and supportive therapist (not the "you live in a shelter what do you expect?" type, You may want to make a police report, you may want to press charges. You may want to sue. We think you need at least legal advisement.

Anonymous said...

I would like to sue but I think I wanted to long. I moved out in April of 2012. I am still afraid he might harm me .He has friends that are drug dealers. I
have email proof that he was having
sex with me while I was living at the shelter. I cannot afford a lawyer anyway. said...

We don't know if you're straight or gay or what kind of sex you indulged in or how willing you were or if you got housing, but we've been inspired to do more about posting legal information on our side bar. The Bar Association referral services national is now listed there.
We hope you got housing at least.