Sunday, December 18, 2011


A few days ago, shortly after 5 am in the morning when the Bill Handel show begins on KFI radio, Bill had a real joke to tell about the homeless. HA HA HA HA HA! His dummy staff chimed in behind him.

Without any sensitivity at all, which is Handel's Hallmark, he began to deride homeless people, as drunks and beggars, who use the handouts they receive only for alcohol. Handel added that it was a FAMILY CHARACTERISTIC to bait homeless beggars with five dollar bills. He said this was what his brother did, and of course we homeless, when we see five dollar bills our eyes get real wide. Oh yes sir, do we want that five dollar bill.

When we heard that we thought of the stereotype that used to play of blacks; their eyes got real big too didn't they?

Of course it is cheap to deride people who are picked on and often defenseless and have to hide to survive. Handel and staff are PART OF THE SAME PROBLEM that allows teenagers to beat the living hell out of homeless.

It has been 40 degrees at night this past week in many parts of Los Angeles, colder where the wind blows, and it's been raining. Handel and his staff have apparently never spent a night standing under an overhang trying to stay dry and warm. Handel and his staff apparently do not know that while many homeless are drug addicted or alcoholic, the majority are not.

Handel and his jokey staff need to spend a week out in the cold, sleeping on cement (personally we don't think they could even handle (ha ha!) sleeping on a cot in a cold weather shelter for a week. They should do so with five dollars in their pockets, no ID, no access to food without locating and attending feeds, and try out the humiliation some of us feel to have to beg for our meal or for the bus fare to get to the next one. They should feel what it's like to go a week without a shower. They should pick their clothes off giveaway tables. They should find themselves thrown out of (or asked to leave) restaurants and coffee houses, where they are trying to have a meal, because they stink.

WE INVITE BILL HANDEL AND HIS STAFF to read this blog so they won't think IGNORANCE IS FUNNY OR EVEN ACCEPTABLE broadcasting on their 50,000 watt station.


Thanks Buffy for letting us know we spelled his name wrong in the original post. We've also decided to link to his official site so you can see what he looks like and maybe contact him yourself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I think maybe this Handel read what you said here because I heard him this morning covering the Orange County murders and sying he himself should be homeless. The guy sounded a little somber. Rex