Monday, August 19, 2013


Hello everyone. We devoted a couple posts to the Austin Question of RV park communities for the homeless, and we just learned that such a park has been approved in East Travis County - Austin. WE ARE SO HAPPY FOR THE FOLKS! Since believe it or not there are STILL VACANT LOTS in LA we think there is plenty of reason for our City Council and new mayor Eric Garcetti to look into this. Really, even if the lots were used temporarily, say for a year at a time, that could make a lot of difference. Among homeless, those who own RV's are kind of considered the high class of the homeless. Still, there are those who can eventually get an RV or other vehicle providing they can save some income and afford registration and gas. In a nation where they say half are underemployed or not using their degree and possibly in LA 4 families out of 5 are one paycheck from the street (paying their rent but unable to save) we feel that maybe they ought to get a jump start on locating those lots.

Here's an idea.

What about around Dodger's Stadium?

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