Friday, March 20, 2009

Los Angeles Family Housing News Breaking.... ARE HOMELESS RESIDENTS SLAVES ?

We've heard that Los Angeles Family Housing will be making it mandatory for residents to work twice a week around the place or be kicked out. While we are all for volunteering to show your appreciation when you want to, we're learning that many of the residents have the Veteran's or a Mental Health Facility paying for their beds.

We can only say this. When people are forced to work under threat of the streets, for no pay, that is slavery. Slavery went out in the mid 19th century.

Stipends anyone? This isn't prison is it?

If any residents are reading this, please, we need more information!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it doesn't look like this program is being enforced. Too many of the residents are disabled. There is a question of liability, I think. I participated the first two days.


Start your comment with words such as "In my experience" or "In my opinion!"