Saturday, January 15, 2011


Is this the year you'll beat the odds and get off the street?

At the end of this year we felt, because we never watch statistics and get few comments (though we heard that about one percent of all readers leave a comment) that maybe we should give up on this blog. We aren't sure we can do a good job because none of us own computers and have to stand in line to use public terminals at libraries and other places to post.

We were thinking about how slow going our lives are because we do not own personal computers. And because we do not have permanent housing, we are so slow at getting things we need to do done... So many of us roam from feed to feed, or don't have it together to get GR, and those of us who have to walk or take the bus remember when we owned cars and could get more done on one Saturday than it takes us weeks to do.

No, we don't know when any of us will have permanent housing. Some of us are sheltered and some of us are not. But maybe we are the elite of the homeless because we know how to write and type, we know how to use computers well enough to blog, and we have our witts about us, though some of us are depressed or outright crazy.

How can we be of greater service to our homeless community and to those who are reading us to understand homelessness better?

One of our options is to concentrate on CALIFORNIA... but we now that homelessness is not a California problem or even a United States of America problem...

It is a problem of poverty around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi i am without a home and sleep every night in a parking garage. I was once in a shelter program but it seems they were more interested in money then helping us. Yes your right we are blessed to be able to use a computer and get on line. Personally i still own my own laptop and use it when i can. I am getting real fed up with societys ideas about the people without homes and i refuse to call myself homeless. I do not want to be lableled or catergorized with the drunken bum/drug addicts or just dont have enough pride not to take a bunch of charity people. I did nothing wrong to get into the situation im in. And hopefully one day soon ill have a job again and be out of this situation. What really scares me is the whole society thing where there are still loads of people losing their jobs and becoming like me and it being looked down on to the point where your afraid to talk about it. I think there should be more blogs like yours and more people speaking out.


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