Thursday, May 12, 2011


Myth: Those who are homeless choose to be homeless
Fact: The greatest need identified by those experiencing homelessness was permanent housing. Transportation and education/training were also cited as important needs. Shelter allowances provided by the Department of Social Services ($214 per month for a single parent with children) fell far short of the fair market rent for a two bedroom apartment in the…

Myth: Everyone who is homeless is mentally ill or addicted to drugs
Fact: The majority of homeless individuals do not suffer from mental illness or chemical addiction. In fact, only 30% of homeless people residing in shelters cited mental health as one of many reasons for their homelessness and only 22.9% cited substance abuse as a reason. These numbers are significantly smaller for the larger population of individuals accessing… Read More

Myth: There aren’t many homeless people on the streets of Buffalo, so it isn’t a big problem.
Fact: The homeless are not only those we see on the street. The homeless that are on the streets make up a small percentage of the local homeless population. About 58% of recently homeless individuals have spent time in transitional or emergency shelter, not on the street. About 25% of individuals who are accessing…

Myth: Some people will always be homeless
Fact: 23% of the homeless population nationwide are identified as chronically or long-term homeless. While this population has been difficult to serve in traditional service models, new models are emerging around the country that are assisting the chronically homeless in becoming self-sufficient. Safe Haven programs that offer—but do not require—supportive services

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