Friday, May 27, 2011


We've been hearing complaints about PACIFICA HOSPITAL'S rude and incompetant treatment of homeless patients who are AMBULANCED from LOS ANGELES FAMILY HOUSING and surrounding area for several years now, so where there's smoke there's fire.

Homeless never choose Pacifica if they can get a ride to Olive View or Saint Joseph's in Burbank or another hospital.

Paramedics say that they can only take residents of Los Angeles Family Housing there due to some sort of territory issue. Residents say the ride to Pacifica is often a waste of time. That they are soon out the door without their health issues resolved and back at the shelter, and often then need another ambulance ride or to find someone to take them to another hospital.

Residents say that Pacifica doctor's attitudes change towards them when they find out the person is homeless, which has to do also with their inability to pay or lack of insurance. While Pacifica doctors might be on a commission or under pressure to provide income to the hospital, THIS MEANS THAT THE CITY/ COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES NEEDS TO REZONE THE AMBULANCE SERVICE to take homeless to Olive View or other hospitals.

Residents say that Pacifica doctors give them prescriptions, but then THEY CANNOT FILL THE PRESCRIPTIONS BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO MONEY. Going to Olive View or another COUNTY hospital would mean that the homeless in North Hollywood/ Sun Valley area would BE ABLE TO BEGIN TREATMENT.

A paraplegic resident whose pain management went out of control recently took the ride and the reject. At Pacifica they did little to nothing. The same person then went to Saint Joseph's where they did extensive tests to see if a bullet lodged in his body was moving.

Residents say that Pacifica is a bad choice when someone needs a liver transplant and has health related issues. One person in this condition was rejected repeatedly over a few months. This person recently died at USC.

Residents say that a woman who was taken to Pacifica after a rape or attempted rape at the shelter was sedated and because they knew of how others had been treated they started visiting her in shifts to watch that medics and other personnel at Pacifica did not throw her around gurneys or mishandle her.

We think that a class action lawsuit against Pacifica may be in the future.

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