Monday, March 19, 2012


This is one of a series of videos. Among the complaints are forced payments in order to stay rather than true donations, questionable 501 non-profit status, staff possibly not following the law when it comes to equal opportunity and respect for people of all races, etc. It's a rare thing that a destitute person is able to create their own videos and post them on YouTube. Usually shelters looking for funds are the one's paying for and posting videos.

UPDATE: DECEMBER 2013.  We would love to know what's happened since we posted this!


  1. My name is Casey and I live in Charleston, South Carolina on the East Coast. I ended up on this site in an unusual way. I was watching the Futurama episode "Iron Chef" on Netflix when a disparaging remark was made by one of the characters concerning the high level of homelessness in Eugene, Oregon specifically. I Googled it to see if Eugene was in the condition implied and clicked through to this blog.

    Sir, part one of your expose video is disturbing if true. I would like to encourage you to make full use of your cell phone during this project of yours. While I am sure you are convinced of what you are saying, very little of it can be substantiated in your video. In my humble opinion, if these allegations are solid you MUST convince your viewers of it to motivate them to action. Your clip of the thrift shop, even though you could not get close enough to show price tags is the type of thing I mean.

    Are you able to get and post more videos of your findings? E.g., A clandestine video of the racial comments, a clip of the title deed to the homeless shelter showing Ingrid's name (which usually can be retrieved at a court house free of charge or just a nominal fee) and perhaps you can show any signs posted at the shelter indicating that after three days, you must pay $10 per night. Showing those things won't "prove" anything to skeptics but to the compassionate who watch, I truly believe it WILL motivate them to do something.

    I wish it were under better circumstances but I did enjoy watching your submission. May God bless you richly in all you do as you follow Him.


  2. Casey we're posting your comment hoping the man who is protesting the shelter in the video will catch up with the comment. You might want to go over to YOUTUBE and also comment there. We posted this first of all because of his courage in posting this. This man may be street homeless as punishment for his protest. We also posted it because the complaints he has we've heard about certain shelters in Los Angeles, especiallty small operations in downtown LA where someone rents a small space and then takes money from a few or several people to live as if they were in concentration camp barracks.

  3. Biting the hand that feeds you isn't something anyone 'just does', it's usually a survival mechanism and the first sign of seeing change is possible.

    The flip side of the coin is the agencies will always minimize people, identifying them as criminal, lazy, malcontents, symptomatic, and every other adjective to discount being accountable regarding allegations.

    Numerous advocates who have experienced homelessness support what this man is doing. 'Outing' is healthy, controlling people to be afraid to speak publicly of their experiences isn't.

    This is one phase in the stage of an advocate. I look forward to seeing him develop into a strong part of his community if that's where his path takes him.

  4. For every one guy who posts a protest video like this there are probably a thousand who want to but are too afraid. Tim


Start your comment with words such as "In my experience" or "In my opinion!"