Wednesday, June 20, 2012


A message from me, a formerly-homeless individual. I lived for 16 years in the outdoors.

The last three years I worked 9 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to save enough money to get myself a place to live.

Unfortunately, I tripped and broke my ankle, so badly I had to have surgery. The hospital refused to take out the nuts, bolts, plate and other stuff they had put in me, leaving me crippled and in a wheelchair.

Because I am an ordained minister and never, ever did drugs, was not mentally ill, but a normal, hard working individual, I was railroaded into a facility where I witnessed actual genocide being carried out on a euthanize ward!

There is absolutely no way out of being homeless, unless you cooperate with the authorities, slander yourself for their benefit, claim to do drugs or "hear voices". This leaves millions of Americans with NO HOPE WHATSOEVER, stranded outdoors BECAUSE YOU CAN'T LIVE IN A SHELTER WITHOUT BEING IN A TREATMENT PROGRAM. And once you accept a " treatment program" you become a PRISONER FOREVER!!!

Living outdoors forces a person to go without sanitation, to sleep in life-threatening conditions: cold, snow, rain, heat, and etc. Because of the deliberate forcing of the homeless to accept treatment programs, or die, I believe we are in a situation of deliberate genocide BY OUR GOVERNMENT here in the United States.

This travesty included TORTURE of myself by the hospital that falsely claimed I was "imagining my pain" so they denied me pain killers. I suffered two years of agony at their hands, unable to expose their lies until I again twisted an ankle, and an x-ray revealed all the metal they had left inside of me!

I know for a fact that homeless individuals are being medically murdered here in our Nation's capital: Washington, DC I would love to organize a big rally here, but would need help, as I am still wheelchair bound.

Please e-mail me at MeredithMaryRand at

OK Readers, Meredith Mary Rand posted a comment with her e-mail address and we think this is a comment worth repeating. Please contact her only if you're serious. Respect her by not spamming her. She's going to need some dedicated people to get her rally going. We have heard testimonials like this one before.

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