Sunday, August 11, 2013


We feel we must make a statement due to hearing the ravings of another radio talk show host against all homeless over the stabbing of a woman in Hollywood who was on the tourist streets and taking pictures of homeless people.  As we understand the story, the homeless man said no, she took the picture anyway, and he killed her. 

We feel we must make a statement especially because we're here encouraging our homeless-curious and caringreaders to not shun us, abandon us, avoid us, or be prejudiced against us.We're not making any excuses for a murder over something which may be trivial. 

However, taking photos of anyone without their permission is rude and wrong as is expecting them to pose for you because you want them to.  Taking pictures of someone because they are homeless, which is a way of outing them, disrespecting their privacy, and going against their wishes not to be photographed is wrong. 

Ask yourself because we are asking the photographer. Does this person you want to photograph really want you to show all your friends when you get back home their picture as an example of a homeless person?  What are you going to do with the picture you had no permission to take?  Distribute it around the world from your cell phone? Twitter account? Your web page?  Have you offered them a tip or other compensation to pose with you? 

COMING TO LOS ANGELES or HOLLYWOOD to see CELEBRITIES?  On Hollywood Boulevard there are a lot of homeless including lots of run-away kids who are prostituting themselves or being pimped out or trafficked.  A lot of homeless go down to Hollywood because the tourists have money and the pan handling can be real good.  There is a difference though from a person who has a JOB posing as a Cartoon Character or Dead Celebrity and a person who is simply there!

At last count there were something like 80,000 homeless in LA.  Some of them are in Hollywood.  On that day that one murdered, 79,000 did not.

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