Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Recently someone posted a comment (which we didn't publish) under a post about an individual saying not to give that person any money or cigarettes.  The comment went unsigned.

Before becoming homeless ourselves we were not inclined to give money or anything else to a beggar on the street but our hearts have changed. 

Our heart changed because we got to know so many people who were struggling to have enough to eat even when they got Food Stamps/EBT/Cal Fresh, and even more so when they didn't.  We knew some of these people did use money for beer or cigarettes but decided that when you give you give and it's up to that person on how to spend it. 

You can't stop a person you give to from possibly trading that food for something else.

Even if the person uses some of the money for things besides food, eventually most people do want something to eat.

So if you're reading this because your homeless-curious, consider, if you don't want to give money, giving a lunch.  Walk into that corner story with the person and buy them something.

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