Wednesday, July 6, 2016


One homeless woman told us that her building manager where she rented before she became homeless was a devout Christian who entered her apartment when she wasn't home and smashed up her Buddhist altar.

Another homeless woman who took Yoga at a gym while at a shelter says that the employment person there was a devout Christian who was horrified when she saw an image of a Hindu deity on her cell phone and would not work with her to find work telling other residents there "She isn't even a Christian."

A homeless man who grew up Jewish told us that at a shelter where he was staying he joined in Bible Study because he heard that people who did were favored by management.  He feels no guilt in even claiming to be a Christian while there if it was what it took to get him housing.

Another person told us that the shelter where they stayed was taking all kinds of government funds but were pushing the Bible and that there was a school bus picking up people to take them to a certain ministry at another shelter on Sunday mornings.

A woman told us that other residents did not want to share a room with her because she was not Christian and that they called her "Satan possessed."

THIS SHIT HAPPENS and we don't think RELIGIOUS DESCRIMINATION should be tolerated in any program that takes government funds.  It's one thing though for other homeless to be discriminatory and another for case managers, employment office workers, and shelter management to discriminate.

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