Friday, December 14, 2012


UPDATE NOV 2014 :  Over 700 hits on this post since we first put it up - and 347 hits in the last 12 months -  that means there is NEED!

UPDATE NOVEMBER 2013  the cold weather shelter ended - but by giving some residents tents and sleeping bags - THAT IS CAMPING THAT IS NOT HOUSING


PROJECT T O U C H SEEKING SHELTER FOR RIVERSIDE HOMELESS article by Ashley Ludwig of Southwest Riverside News network.

"Project T.O.U.C.H. (Together Our Unity Conquers Homelessness) was founded at a time when all was well with the economy after Anne Unmacht had an epiphany.

“In 2003, I was still selling real estate when I was pulled by the needs of the homeless,” Unmacht said.

“There is a national initiative to end homelessness and we hope to soon have a permanent home for Temecula’s homeless shelter,” Unmacht said. “Homelessness is not neat and tidy, but full of complex and complicated issues. We work closely with the local law enforcement and don’t enable our clients who commit crimes.”

OK HERE'S THE LINK and reading it over, you are going to have to check in with the police before you're taken in to their program. Questions is, is this list of shelters on their site run by them or not?  PROJECT TOUCH MAIN PAGE

Path of Life Family Shelter

2530 3rd Street
Riverside, Ca.
951-275-8755 (open from 4pm to 8am)

Path of Life- Year round Emergency Homeless Shelter
2840 Hulen Place
Riverside, Ca.
951-683-4101 (open from 5:30pm to 8am)

United Community Outreach-Lakeland Ranch

One year program for men run by Pastor Jim Trimmer
951-232-1651 (Call 24 hours a day)

Circle of Hope

A shelter for women and children
420 Harrison
Corona, Ca.
951-278-2215 (open 4:30pm until full)

Hacienda House
1 year program for men
951-657-3041 (8:30am to 5:00pm M-F)

The Restart Center
Shelter for Men, Women and families - 90 day maximum stay
200 E. Menlo
Hemet, Ca.
951-766-7476 (Shelter intake 10am to 2pm M-F



Anonymous said...

You're so kind and generous to those homeless people. I do really hope that there will be a lot of people like you that can see and help the homeless people.

Looking forward to reading your next posts.

Check out also this related site Riverside New Homes For Sale

Melissa said...

PLEASE be aware of where you're getting into. Project TOUCH will attempt to take any and all money you have in return for their "charity." President Anne Unmacht used to be in real estate before her Project TOUCH epipahny, which makes the other comment on this post rather suspicious. Just sayin'.

Melissa said...

Also, to answer a couple questions, Project TOUCH does not run any of their "resources" - any of these things can be found if you go to social services or call around. From my experience, Valley Restart in Hemet might be fine if you are ABSOLUTELY desperate and if they have the room. The place is pretty much like jail, mandatory community service, food locked up @ certain hours, they do take part of your verified income, and it IS co-ed with shared restroom and shower facilities. My children and I were not comfortable there at our intake interviews and they took my anxiety attack (strange place, people interrogating me) and asked me if I was on drugs. Seriously jaded and unpleasant people. If you can tough it out, more power to you. The other 1-year programs for men are more religiously cult-like.. these are the ones that make you cut off all ties (friends, family, phone, etc.) in order to comply. Some can handle this, but if you're not a Christian their goal would be to change that.