Sunday, June 2, 2013


We received an e-mail from a couple who would like to start a food and bottled water distribution in GLENDALE CALIFORNIA.  They didn't say we couldn't post their post but this time we'll error on the side of not posting their e-mail.  However, COUPLE FROM GLENDALE, if you DO WANT TO EXPOSE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS ON THIS BLOG FOR INFORMATION AND INPUT FROM READERS, please contact us again! 


OK.  OUR ADVICE.  Sadly, we think the first thing to do is contact the community outreach police officer in your area to find out if there are any restrictions to your empathy and willingness to give.  WE SAY THIS HAVING HEARD OF POLICE HARASSMENT OF CHURCH PEOPLE SETTING UP HOMELESS  FEEDS IN PARKS WITHIN LA COUNTY.  You don't want or need  problems with Glendale over a hundred peanut butter sandwiches. 

You might want to inquirer at PATH - ASCENCIA also since they've been in the GLENDALE HOMELESS BUSINESS A LONG TIME.  Maybe someone there can help you with information or some sponsoring.  There are churches in the area who give groceries or hot meals maybe once a week.  We'd like to see more HOMELESS SERVICES THAT ARE NOT ABOUT RELIGION.

We think you might want to get involved with a GROUP that is already doing food and water distribution in your area also since there is more safety in numbers.  Good way to learn the ropes?  Try searching through this blog with words like GLENDALE, BURBANK, and PASADENA.

Another thing you may be willing and able to do, and we say this knowing it is way too hot out there and there is a summer need of food and water, is to wait until the COLD WEATHER SHELTERS OPEN.  In your area that would likely be the Glendale area armory.  Those of us who have stayed at the national guard noticed that dinner was often served by various religious groups.  Some of us would love if you just drove up to the park with some lunches but MAYBE SPONSORING A WHOLE DINNER FOR THE COLD WEATHER SHELTER one or two nights a season is the best way to go.  (You'd be feeding 50 to 200 people.) 

We appreciate your interest and efforts!

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