Monday, October 24, 2016


211 PROGRAM SERVICES  GO TO THIS LINK...  Since it is LATE OCTOBER and we have not yet easily found information on where COLD WEATHER SHELTERS WILL BE LOCATED THIS SEASON and when they will open or close,  and WE THINK THAT INFORMATION IS VITAL TO YOU, we're posting this link and will continue to browse through YEARS WORTH OF OLD NEWS and OLD POSTS on the Internet - junk that wastes time and should have been taken down long ago.

SEARCHING FOR  "COLD WEATHER SHELTERS"  LOS ANGELES 2016-2017 even governmental type sites seemed to be cluttered with old useless stuff.


Over the last few weeks we've encountered a number of street homeless people over the age of 50 who have been on the ground sleeping rough, or who are being taken into vehicles by friends, using services for food and showers, hanging in the libraries, and we know these people aren't drinking, doing drugs, doing crime, or anything but EXISTING DAY TO DAY.  That can really wear you out.

But when we suggest that they try a COLD WEATHER SHELTER as a possible in to SOCIAL WORKERS and HOUSING, they have their reasons or excuses for not doing so. 

Elmer, about 55 years old, tells us he doesn't want to try it because other people who have told him their shoes and other things were stolen from them while they slept.

Jackie, about  60, tells us she is "fine" as is, and is waiting to move in with her boyfriend.  Thing is maybe that's true but Jackie sure has been waiting a long time to move in with a boyfriend who is OK with her sleeping rough, and has been going through rape threats.

Shaun, in his late forties, just had the guy who was sharing his van for sleeping, wreck the van and end up in the hospital, and so we told him "Go to an armory shelter as soon as it opens."  He's visiting the guy in the hospital hoping it won't be too long before they're back in the van.

We still think that it is safer for people to be sleeping in an armory with a security guard present and up all night than out there.

Whatever you decide...

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