Tuesday, April 10, 2012


We heard this breaking news on KFI in the morning and we sure hope that Bill Handle and his staff that have had so much fun about homeless people are now a little more sensitive (see past posts on KFI!)

"Supervisors approve a plan allowing some parolees and probationers the first chance at Section 8 vouchers for federal housing. Officials say the rule seeks to aid low-level offenders" ...

"The housing authority is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to update its program goals, policies and financial resources every year. Four of five Los Angeles County supervisors last week approved the agency's revised plan.Among other changes, the new plan waives a long-standing ban on homeless probationers and parolees obtaining housing subsidies and cuts the criminal history review period for such applicants from three years to two.Critics of the revision charge that it is unfair to give criminals a chance to find affordable shelter before other needy people, such as senior citizens and the disabled. There are an estimated 191,000 individuals on a waiting list for vouchers, according to housing authority data."

LEAVE COMMENTS! WE KNOW SOME OF YOU WHO ARE WAITING FOR SECTION 8 VOUCHERS AND NO CRIMINAL HISTORY ARE PISSED OFF! According to Bill Handle show, these vouchers will be used not just for any landlord but in buildings considered to be projects (our words.)


Anonymous said...

This is shit! What landlords are going to want to rent section 8 if there are no longer any criminal background checks to eliminate trouble? Sorry, but I stayed at a shelter that was full of people just out of jail or prison and they caused trouble all the time. They were loud, they blasted their music, they provoked fights. I wouldn't want any neighbors like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the news said that the vouchers wouldn't be used for any old apartment but for government housing like the projects. Sherry

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is, if you get into a Section 8 apartment and you get caught doing criminal activity, say you have a party and drugs are involved, don't you get kicked out? Bruce